Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Database and LDAP backup scripts

It is a common task to make backups of database or LDAP on the server. Here are examples of such scripts for Linux.

For MySQL database backup I use this script
export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
umask 077


now=`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M"`

if [ ! -d ${backupdir} ] ; then
    echo Creating ${backupdir}
    mkdir -p  ${backupdir}; chmod 700 ${backupdir}; 

mysqldump -hlocalhost -uuser -ppassword --routines database | gzip > ${backupdir}/database_${now}.sql.gz  2>>/var/log/dbbackups.log
find ${backupdir} -name 'database_*' -a -mtime +${savedays} -print -delete
For LDAP backup I use this script:
export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
umask 077


now=`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M"`

if [ ! -d ${backupdir} ] ; then
    echo Creating ${backupdir}
    mkdir -p  ${backupdir}; chmod 700 ${backupdir}; 
slapcat > ${backupdir}/ldap.${now}.ldif  2>>/var/log/ldapbackups.log         
find ${backupdir} -name 'ldap_*' -a -mtime +${savedays} -print -delete
These script will save your database and LDAP backups to /mnt/backups/db and /mnt/backups/ldap accordingly. Backup files will be kept for 180 days and then they will be deleted.

To automate backup you can simply place the scripts to the appropriate cron directory (e.g. /etc/cron.daily) and make sure that cron has rights to execute this file and has rights to write to /mnt/backups/db and /mnt/backups/ldap folders.